Parking in Downtown North Bend, March 11

City of North Bend release – Downtown parking enforcement returns the week of March 14th, 2022. The parking lot between Sheridan and Sherman Avenue has a twelve-hour (12) parking limit. The Washington Street Parking lot has a two-hour (2) parking limit. There are notices to that effect posted at the entrance to the lot and inside the lot itself. Effective March 14th, 2022, anyone who has left their vehicle ‘parked for longer than the allowed time will be issued a parking citation. The City does have un-timed parking areas located at the Grant Circle area on California and Union, as well as on Harbor Avenue. Please note un-timed does not mean storage, camping, overnight parking, or permanent parking of vehicles. Also, please note the two (2) hour parking limit on Sherman Avenue, ‘Union Avenue, and the side streets in the downtown area will also be enforced beginning March 14th, 2022. The city requests citizens be courteous in their parking habits and park in the designated areas for the time applicable to their needs.