US Army Corps of Engineers Permit sought by Port of Bandon – Location: The project is located in the Coquille River, mile 0.8, near Bandon, Coos County, Oregon. The site is located in Section 25 of Township 28 South, Range 15 West, and in Section 30 of Township 28 South, Range 14 West. Latitude and Longitude: 43.120501 North, – 124.415900 West Waterway: Coquille River, mile 0.8. Project Purpose: The applicant’s stated purpose is to stabilize the streambank to minimize erosion. Project Description: The Port of Bandon (Port) proposes to discharge fill material above and below the high tide line (HTL) of the Coquille River to stabilize the streambank adjacent to their offices. The Port is proposing to discharge approximately 860 cubic yards of structural rock fill, geotextile fabric, and soil above and below the high tide line of the Coquille River to stabilize approximately 240 – feet of streambank. The work would be conducted with heavy equipment operating from the top of bank during ebb tides when the discharge location is dry. The fill prism for is estimated at Corps No. NWP – 2016 – 112 – feet in width, 12 – feet in depth, and 240 – feet in length, occupying approximately 1,920 square feet. The revetment would be constructed during the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife preferred in – water work period for this reach of the Coquille River, October 1 to February 15, or under an approved in – water work window extension. In addition, the Port is working to construct a revetment on the upper slope of the same section of streambank above the Corps jurisdiction. The erosion is attributed to a December 2015 storm event. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) may fund the project and, if so, would assume responsibility for compliance with the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).