Pickles, Flavored Vinegars & Sauerkraut Workshop, Sept. 12

The Coos County Master Food Preservers invite you to join them for a Pickles, Flavored Vinegars & Sauerkraut workshop set for Saturday, Sept. 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Participants will learn the basics of making pickles, including how to assess family recipes for safety, spice blends and solutions for crisp pickles. Flavored vinegars and sauerkraut will also be covered in this hands-on class where the importance of using up-to-date preserving methods, and why all vinegar is not created equal. The workshop will be held at the Coos County Extension Service, 631 Alder Street, in Myrtle Point. For more information, or to reserve a spot, call 541-572-5263, ext. 292. The workshop fee is $10. Participants may wish to bring a snack or light lunch.