CBPL release – Oregon State University Extension Service and the Coos Bay Public Library are offering teens 14-19 an opportunity to learn how to eat well on a budget in a practical, two-part cooking program offered Tuesday, August 22 and Wednesday, August 23 from 11:00am-1:00pm. Lunch will be provided each day. During the program, participants will talk through how to meal plan and will receive ingredients for the recipes served to take home and re-create for their families. All participants will receive a free electric skillet after attending both sessions. Limited space is available; pre-register at https://beav.es/SVK. This free event will be held at the Coos Bay Public Library. Any registration questions or questions about the program should be directed to Nicole Wells at Nicole.wells@oregonstate.edu. Oregon State University Extension Service partners with local communities to provide trusted expertise and science-based knowledge to address critical issues and help every Oregonian thrive. The Coos County Extension Office is based in Myrtle Point and offers a wide range of programming throughout the year for all ages, including outreach with the Food Hero program, food preservation, gardening, and support for 4-H. For more information on library programs visit the Coos Bay Public Library’s website at www.coosbaylibrary.org, call (541) 269-1101 x 3606 or email Jennifer Knight at jknight@coosbaylibrary.org.