On March 17, 2023, Albert Lampert (69) of Glendale was found guilty of 21 misdemeanor charges relating to criminal trespassing and wildlife violations in Douglas County Circuit Court. He was convicted by a jury of his peers after a 3-day trial. The charges stemmed from an elk decoy operation that occurred in November 2020 by OSP Fish & Wildlife Troopers from the Roseburg and Coos Bay Area Commands. The investigation was concluded in January 2020 with a search warrant being served at Mr. Lampert’s residence. On March 23, 2023, Albert Lampert was sentenced in the Douglas County Circuit Court and immediately remanded to jail for 30 days. Additionally, he received five years of probation where he cannot be hunting, in the woods with a centerfire rifle, or be with anyone who is hunting. The penalty for violating his probation is six months of additional jail time. Mr. Lampert was also fined $2100, received a 3-year hunting license suspension, and forfeited his rifle.