Police logs, April 19

Counterfeit Money
According to an entry on the CQPD log for April 17, 9:05 a.m., 200 No. Adams St., First Community Credit Union, “counterfeit money.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for April 17, 11:10 a.m., 1500 block Maple St., “unlawful entry into MV.”

Probation Violation
According to an entry on the NBPD log for April 17, 4:06 p.m., 2100 block McPherson Ave., “result of subject trespassing at location,” 31-year old Clifton Walker arrested on Parole Violation, “Walker lodged at Reedsport Jail.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for April 17, 4:24 p.m., 2100 block Hamilton Dr., “cold burglary.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 17, 4:12 a.m., 1000 block Newmark Ave., “CBPD served warrant” on 44-year old Christopher Wagner arrested on NBPD warrant charging Theft III (X3) & Criminal Trespass II, “Wagner was cited in lieu of custody.”

Theft from Vehicle
According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 17, 9:14 a.m., 3100 block Ocean Blvd., “theft from vehicle / criminal mischief.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 17, 10:32 a.m., 2051 Newmark Ave., Walmart, “shoplifter,” 19-year old Anna Elizabeth Quaglia charged with Theft III, “Quaglia transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 17, 3:19 p.m., 200 block Holland St., Empire Boat Docks, 47-year old Ryan Layton Cox arrested on CBPD warrant charging FTA on Disorderly Conduct II, Harassment & Criminal Trespass II, “Cox transported to CCJ.”

Stolen Vehicle Recovered
According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 17, 3201 Tremont Ave., Mill Casino, “recovered stolen vehicle,” 22-year old Reid Lilleston charged with Unauthorized Use Vehicle, “Lilleston lodged at CCJ.”

Criminal Trespass
According to an entry on the CBPD log for April 17, 10:27 p.m., 1300 block Oregon Ave., 41-year old Danyel Allen Tobiska arrested on CBPD warrant charging three-counts Contempt of Court & Violation of Restraining Order, “cite in lieu of custody.”