Police logs, Sept. 11

Illegal Camping, NB
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 7, 7:59 a.m., Harbor Ave., “illegal camping.” At 8:06 a.m., California Street Boat Ramp, “illegal camping.” At 8:26 a.m., 2200 block Hamilton, “illegal camping.” At 12:34 a.m., Sept. 8, Broadway & Social Security, “illegal camping,” 48-year old Virginia Prang & 52-year old Jason Cordero “Ticket”.

Violation City Code, NB
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 7, 9:46 a.m., 3300 block Pine St., “violation city code.” At 1:37 p.m., 1200 block Ford Ln., “violation city code.” At 4:52 p.m., Florida & McPherson, “violation city code.”

Hit & Run
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 7, 3:16 p.m., Sherman & O’Connell, “hit & run accident,” 34-year old Richard Anthony Mayall charged with DUII, DWS Misdemeanor, Reckless Endangering, Failure to Preform Duties Driver Hit & Run, Reckless Driving & Refusal Breath Test, “Mayall was transported to CCJ.”

Violation City Code, CB
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 6:52 a.m., 200 block W. Anderson Ave., Coos Art Museum, “violation city code.” At 7:10 a.m., No. Norman, “violation city code.”

Illegal Camping, CB
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 7:04 a.m., 2nd & Curtis, “illegal camping.” At 7:18 am., 1800 block Thomas, “illegal camping.” At 8:09 a.m., 4th & Anderson, “illegal camping.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 10:14 a.m., 300 block So. 5th St., Four Square Church, “warrant service,” 62-year old Ronald Sly Rickman arrested on CBPD warrant FTA two-counts FTA III; & FTA on FTA II, “Rickman transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 12:07 p.m., 1200 Newmark Ave., Nancy Devereux Center, “CBPD served CCSO/CBPD warrants” on 42-year old Corey Daniel Olin charging FTA on Harassment, FTA on Criminal Mischief I, Disorderly Conduct II, FTA I, “Olin transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 12:19 p.m., Empire Lakes John Topits Park, “warrant service,” 50-year old Deanna Faye Solinger arrested on three CBPD warrants charging FTA on Aggravated Harassment, Attempt to Commit A Class C/Unclassified Felony, Resisting Arrest & Assaulting a Public Safety Officer, FTA on Aggravated Harassment & Resisting Arrest, FTA Resisting Arrest & Disorderly Conduct 2nd Degree, “Solinger transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for 1:27 p.m., Sept. 7, “located wanted subject,” 49-year old Sheryl Lynn Sullivan arrested on Washington Co. SO warrant charging FTA on Failure to Register as a Sex Offender, “Sullivan transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 2:19 p.m., 1360 Airport Ln., OSP Coos Bay Command, “warrant service,” OSP arrested Samuel Jerrod Werst on NBPD warrant charging FTA on Assault 4th Degree, Interference with Making a Police Report, and Harassment.

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 2:38 p.m., So. Empire & Fulton, “traffic stop / driver wanted,” 44-year old Blake David Wright arrested on NBPD warrant charging FTA on Animal Abuse II, “Wright was transported to CCJ.”

Probation Violation
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 4:41 p.m., Salmon & Bay Area Athletic, “person stop,” 24-year old Christopher Larry Coker arrested on Parole Violation charge, “Coker was transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 5:40 p.m., 1020 So. 1st St., Fred Meyer, “theft,” 38-year old Casey Joel Lowery charged with Theft II & Robbery III, “Lowery transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 7:32 p.m., 62000 block SW 8th St., “follow up,” 60-year old James R. Thomas charged with Burglary II, “arrested and transported CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 7, 11:03 p.m., 1600 block Newmark Ave., “warrant service as result of disorderly subject,” 46-year old Paul Eugene Thomas arrested on CCSO warrant charging DWS & Failure to Report as a Sex Offender, “arrested and transported CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CQPD log for Sept. 8, 7:29 p.m., 100 block E. 1st St., “warrant service by CQPD on 3 CBPD warrants and 1 CCSO warrant on” 51-year old Jon A. R. Bohannan charging Failure to Appear on Contempt of Court; Criminal Trespass I; Theft III, Theft II; Theft III, “Bohanan transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 8, 1:24 p.m., NBPD “warrant service,” 30-year old Chay Anthony Gilbert arrested by NBPD on CCSO warrants for Telephonic Harassment; nine-counts Contempt of Court – Violation Restraining Order, “transported to CCJ.”

Violation City Code, NB
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 8, 3:35 p.m., Florida & McPherson, “violation city code.”

Illegal Camping, NB
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 8, 8:12 p.m., Sheridan & California, “illegal camping.” At 8:12 p.m., End of California Ave., “illegal camping.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 6:21 a.m., 2200 block Timberline Dr., “unlawful entry into MV.” At 3:29 p.m., 1900 block Timberline Dr., “unlawful entry into MV.”

Illegal Dumping
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 11:31 a.m., Empire Lakes John Topits Park, “illegal dumping.” At 12:46 p.m., Ocean Blvd., & West Coast Fencing, “illegal dumping.”

Violation City Code, CB
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 11:53 a.m. Noble & So. Empire, “violation city code.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 2:40 p.m., 6125 SW Hall Blvd., Beaverton PD, “warrant service,” on 24-year old Tristin M. Fields arrested on CBPD warrants charging FTA on UUV, Possession of Stolen Vehicle & Criminal Mischief II; also, NBPD warrant for FTA on UUV, Identity Theft & Forgery I.

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 4:11 p.m., 250 No. Baxter St., Coquille, “CCSO served CBPD” warrant on 53-year old Robert Joseph Perry charging Driving While Suspended or Revoked, “Perry lodged CCJ.”

Criminal Trespass
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 7:40 p.m., 1775 Thompson Rd., BAH, “subject refusing to leave location,” 66-year old Gregory Allen Homer charged with Criminal Trespass II, “cited in lieu of custody.”

Illegal Camping, CB
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 8:33 p.m., 1100 block So. 10th St., “illegal camping.” At 9:37 p.m., Fulton Ave. & So. Empire Blvd., “illegal camping.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 8, 8:38 p.m., 91000 block Cape Arago Hwy. “possibly observed subject we have PC for,” 47-year old Manuel Robert O’Rourke charged with Assault IV & Disorderly Conduct II, “transported to Coos County Jail.”

Illegal Camping, NB
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 9, 4:32 a.m., Sheridan & California, “out at location.”

Violation City Code, NB
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 9, 7:13 a.m., Harbor St., “out with 2 vehicles at location.” At 7:20 a.m., Pony Ck. Rd., “violation city code.” At 11:48 a.m., Edgewood & Newmark, “violation city code.”

Disorderly Conduct
According to an entry on the NBPD log for Sept. 9, 11:54 a.m., Broadway Ave. & Color Tile, “disorderly conduct,” 46-year old Jesus Blas Salgado charged with Disorderly Conduct II, “Salgado was transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 6:21 a.m., 1900 block No. 7th St., 37-year old Amanda Elizabeth Haggbloom arrested on CBPD warrant charging FTA on three-counts Criminal Trespass II, and FTA on Criminal Trespass I & Theft III, “Haggbloom lodged CCJ.

Violation City Code, CB
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 9:25 a.m., 100 block D St., “illegal signage.” At 3:22 p.m., Fulton Ave. & So. Marple St., “violation city code.”

Criminal Trespass
According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 1:37 p.m., 2051 Newmark Ave., Walmart, 50-year old Deanna Faye Solinger charged with Criminal Trespass II.

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 4:21 p.m., 2051 Newmark Ave., Walmart, “stolen purse,” 43-year old Genobe Frances Caraway charged with Conspiracy to Commit Identity Theft X3, Conspiracy to Commit Theft II & Theft II, “Caraway was transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 6:17 p.m., 205 So. Humbolt St., “warrant service by Grant County Sheriff’s Office on North Bend PD warrant” charging 22-year old Reid Christopher Lilleston with two-counts Contempt of Court Violation of Restraining Order, “Lilleston cited in lieu of custody.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 7:23 p.m., 3303 Broadway Ave., McDonald’s, “officer out with subject,” 40-year old Jennifer Marie Johnson charged with DWS Misdemeanor, “Johnson was transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 9:09 p.m., Elrod Ave. & So. 12th St., “result of dispute observed in the area,” 30-year old Jamie Johnson arrested on CBPD warrant charging FTA on Unlawful Entry into Motor Vehicle, Possession of a Burglary Tool or Theft Device, & Theft III, “Johnson transported to CCJ.”

According to an entry on the CBPD log for Sept. 9, 10:06 p.m., Commercial & No. 6th St., “traffic stop,” 24-year old Brandon Arthur Hanna charged with DUII, “Hanna was cited in lieu of custody.”