City of North Bend release – This Saturday, December 30th, at 10:00 A.M., there will be an essential Pony Creek Dam Warning System test. Conducted by the Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board, this test is crucial to our community safety measures. What to Expect: – Sirens at North Bend High School and the Water Board Service Center will sound for three minutes (15 seconds on, 10 seconds off). This is a simulation of the dam failure warning. – Remember, this is just a test! It’s an excellent opportunity for everyone to become familiar with the siren sound and to understand the warning signals in case of a real emergency. Important Safety Tip: – If you’re within the dam breach evacuation zone and hear the siren any other time, it’s not a drill. Please move to higher ground immediately! Not sure if you’re in the danger zone? – Contact the Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board at 541-267-3128 for information about the dam failure inundation zone. Let’s stay informed and prepared. Please share this message to keep our community safe!