NBPL is offering a post-it art program in August and September. This “relaxed participation” program consists of creating a work of art on a post-it note. The library will supply a 3”x3” note to any who ask, but participants are free to use their own materials, including other sizes and colors of post-it notes. The art can be drawn, painted, written or sculpted. Multiple notes can be used. The library will display entries for everyone to admire, and those wishing to vote for their favorite, or give kudos to an artist can do so. All ages are welcome to participate. There is no theme to the art show, so artists are encouraged to follow their vision. For more information about this and other library programs, please contact the North Bend Public Library at nbservices@northbendlibrary.org 541-756-0400 or their website at northbendoregon.us/library