The City of North Bend recently held a work session to discuss potential locations put forth in a Draft Camping Ordinance. Nine sites have been identified within the City’s Limits. Those sites will be further discussed during the City Council’s work session on Monday, April 17, 2023, 4;30 p.m., in the Council Chambers at City Hall. You can watch video of the previous work session at Meeting Video: Pertaining documents at: The proposed sites include: 1. Westside of Pittum Loop, unimproved parkland for tent use; 2. Sheridan Ave. Right-of-Way, RV on-street parking; 3. 1800 Sherman Ave., Library parking lot; 4. Sheridan Ave., Right-of-way, RB on-street parking; No. 5 835 California, Grant Circle Parking; No. 6 Hamilton Ave., Right-of-Way, RV Parking on Gravel Road; No. 7 McPherson Ave., RV on-street parking; No. 8 Harbor Ave. parking lot; No. 9 885 Virginia Ave., vacant lot, tent use.