CB Release – The City of Coos Bay’s Wastewater Treatment Plant #1 located at 680 Ivy Avenue experienced a high fecal coliform count yesterday. While the City does not have a daily maximum limit for fecal coliform (fecal coliform limits are calculated on a monthly average) due to the potential impact to water quality the City has elected to report this event. The high fecal coliform in yesterday’s effluent was an unfortunate result of an employee of the City’s Wastewater Operation and Maintenance Contractor failing to open a chlorine valve. The valve was closed for a total of two hours. Chlorine is utilized to disinfect the treated effluent prior to discharging to the bay. Due to the potential of endangering human health and the environment, this situation was reported to Department of Environmental Quality. Several samples have been taken since yesterday afternoon, and it has been confirmed that the chlorine is functioning correctly and fecal coliform is within acceptable limits. Any questions can be directed to the City of Coos Bay Public Works Department at (541) 269-8918.