City of Coos Bay release – As we quickly approach our 4th of July celebrations, the men and women of the Coos Bay Police and Fire Departments want to ensure everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July.  Each year in the United States, we celebrate the Fourth of July with community parades, picnics, barbecues, and fireworks – the things of which happy memories are made. But sadly, Independence Day also includes tragic events and injuries resulting from illegal fireworks use; and it is both traumatizing and harmful to children, animals, and a growing number of war veterans who deserve our loyalty the most. Completely aside from the danger (both legal and personal) of exploding illegal fireworks, there’s a huge risk of fire and property damage.  Legal fireworks may be purchased only from Oregon permitted fireworks retailers and stands. Oregon law forbids possession, use or sale of fireworks that fly, explode or travel more than six feet on the ground or 12 inches in the air. Bottle rockets, Roman candles, and firecrackers are ILLEGAL in Oregon. Under Oregon law, officials may seize illegal fireworks fining offenders up to $1,000 per violation including possession of illegal fireworks and endangering life and property. Offenders may also be arrested.  Any fireworks causing damage or misuse of fireworks carries a liability for the offender who may be required to pay for resulting fire or other damage. Parents are liable for fireworks-caused damage by their children. Costs may include assessed fines as well as the cost of suppressing fireworks-caused fires. The Coos Bay Police and Fire Departments ask you to consider the negative effects of illegal fireworks on our community and encourages participation in one of the professional fireworks displays in our region which are put on for all citizens to enjoy in a safe and legal manner.  It is the goal of the Coos Bay Police and Fire Departments to make the 4th of July safer for our community one neighborhood at a time. Professional Fireworks Displays in the Bay Area will be held at: The Mill Casino, July 3rd Display begins at Dusk; The Coos Bay Board Walk, July 4th Display begins at Dusk. Thank you for your support. Gary McCullough, Coos Bay Police Chief & Mark Anderson, Coos Bay Fire Chief.

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