ODFW release – In the first round of funding for the Private Forest Accord Grant Program, ODFW and the Advisory Committee are proud to award more than $10 Million in grants to 25 projects from around Oregon. Projects were carefully reviewed by regional technical review teams made up of experts from ODFW, Oregon Department of Forestry, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the National Marine Fisheries Service. The PFA Grant Program Advisory Committee selected the top projects that best aligned with the program’s goal of providing the most conservation benefit for Oregon’s fish, amphibians, and habitats covered by the pending Private Forest Accord Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP). These projects represent a huge, strategic investment in Oregon’s aquatic biodiversity and watershed health. 2023 PFA Grant Program Awards: The inaugural awards for the PFA Grant Program funded 25 projects totaling $10,009,898.37 which benefit aquatic species and habitats across Oregon. In Coos County: Cunningham Creek Fish Passage and Riparian Improvement Project (Design and Permitting-Phase I); Millicoma Confluence Restoration Project; Palouse Slough Primary Tide Gate Upgrade; Coaledo Tide Gate & Beaver Slough Fish Passage Project.