Proposed E-Bike Regulations, May 12

BLM release – Due to current circumstances, Bureau of Land Management Officials are reminding the public that there is about a month remaining to comment on the proposed electric bike, or e-bike, regulations for the BLM. The comment period ends on June 9, 2020. This effort is in line with Secretary U.S. Department of the Interior David Bernhardt’s call for the BLM and other Interior bureaus to expand access on public lands to e-bikes. The BLM will consider informative and unique feedback as part of crafting its final rule. Interested parties may submit comments on the proposed regulation, identified by the number RIN 1004-AE72, by any of the following methods: Mail: U.S. Department of the Interior, Director (630), Bureau of Land Management, Mail Stop 2134 LM, 1849 C St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20240, Attention: RIN 1004-AE72. Federal eRulemaking portal: Follow this link. For additional information, please see the BLM National Office news release announcing the opening of the public comment period: