Public Housing Needs Update, Feb. 21

In support of a city goal to facilitate new housing opportunities, in 2020 the City Council adopted a 2020 Housing Needs Analysis (HNA). The HNA identified an available land inventory to accommodate housing demand over a 20-year span. Also adopted were a variety of land use regulation changes to encourage new housing. Completion of the 2020 HNA did not conclude the City’s efforts. An ongoing evaluation of housing needs and land availability has identified environmental challenges for housing development and differing housing types needed by Coos Bay residents. With a grant from the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Department, Housing Advisory Committee, and Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) evaluation work has been completed, reviewed by the Planning Commission, and shared with the City Council. To hear from Coos Bay residents, the City Council will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 21, 2023, at 6 p.m. in the City Council Chambers regarding the evaluation work formatted into a draft update to the 2020 HNA, related Comprehensive Plan amendments, and a preliminary Urban Growth Boundary Expansion memo. You are invited to attend and comment. For comments or questions, please contact at or 541-252-2861.