Public Meeting for the Revised Management Plan for the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, April 6

Wednesday, April 12th (5:00-7:00 pm); South Slough Reserve Interpretive Center; 61907 Seven Devil’s Road, Charleston, OR 97420. Notice is hereby given that the South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, part of the Oregon Department of State Lands, is announcing a public meeting for the revised Management Plan for South Slough, Oregon National Estuarine Research Reserve. In accordance with 15 CFR § 921.33(c), the South Slough Reserve revised its Management Plan, which will replace the plan previously approved in 2007. The revised Management Plan outlines a strategic plan; administrative structure; the science, education, public involvement, and training programs of the Reserve; resource protection and public access plans; and strategies for land acquisition and facility development to support Reserve operations. The South Slough Reserve takes an integrated approach to management, linking research, education, coastal training, and stewardship functions.  The Reserve has outlined how it will manage administration and its core programs providing detailed actions that will enable it to accomplish specific goals and objectives.  Since the last Management Plan, the Reserve has built out its core programs and monitoring infrastructure; developed a Reserve restoration action plan; compiled a comprehensive status and trends report of environmental and socio-economic conditions of the Coos estuary; conducted an educational market analysis and needs assessment to better understand the needs of teachers and underserved audiences; developed a Reserve Disaster Response Plan; and improved public access to the Reserve through construction of a new paddle  launch and enhanced trails. View the Revised South Slough Reserve Management Plan at:   and provide comments to Hannah Schrager at  This meeting will be held in a facility that is accessible for persons with disabilities. If you need assistance to participate in this meeting due to a disability, please notify Rebecca Muse at 541-888-5558 ext.134 or at least two working days prior to the meeting.