Marine biologists are describing the recent surge of Purple Sea Urchins off the South Oregon Coast as a “Perfect Storm for the shellfish. Red Sea Urchins are the desired marine delicacy in the Far East; however, Purple Sea Urchins are less desirable because they are less meaty than their cousins. Now add in the loss of Sea Stars, decimated by a Wasting Disease, and yes there is the “Perfect Storm” for a hungry shellfish that is threatening the state’s Kelp Beds and Ocean Diversity. A recent study by an Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) marine biologist revealed a 10,000 percent increase in the Purple Sea Urchins over the past five years in the state’s waters. Scott Groth’s study also showed an estimated 350 million living near Port Orford since 2014. Sea Urchins can reportedly live hundreds of years.