Recreational Salmon Fishing, July 15

ODFW release – July 13, 2022 ACTION NOTICE – Recreational Ocean Salmon: NOAA Fisheries in consultation with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, representatives from the recreational and the commercial ocean troll salmon fisheries, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council, has taken in-season action with respect to the recreational salmon fishery in the area from Leadbetter Point to Cape Falcon. ACTION TAKEN: Recreational ocean salmon angling within the Columbia River Ocean Salmon Management Area (Leadbetter Point, Washington to Cape Falcon, Oregon), will close to all salmon angling effective 12:01 AM Saturday, July 16 in the following area: Shoreward of 124D 08′ 40″ W long. and North of 46D 15′ N lat. RATIONALE: Chinook catch in the area had already reached 29.4% of the 7,700 Chinook guideline as of Sunday, July 3 while only 8% of the coho quota has been harvested through the same time period. In order to keep the fishery open to both retention of Chinook salmon (1 per angler) and hatchery coho, the fishery is being closed in this area where Chinook salmon are known to congregate. Correction to longitude. Correct boundary West boundary is 124D 08′ 40″ W long.