PORTLAND, Ore.— Oregon Health Authority (OHA) has lifted the recreational use health advisory issued for Galesville Reservoir in Douglas County. OHA issued the advisory on June 26. Water monitoring confirmed that the level of cyanotoxins in Galesville Reservoir is below recreational guideline values for people. OHA advises recreational visitors to continue watching out for signs of cyanobacteria blooms, as blooms can develop and disappear on any water body at any time during favorable bloom conditions. People should be aware that only a fraction of water bodies in Oregon are monitored for blooms and toxins, so it’s important they become familiar with signs of a bloom, exposures and symptoms by visiting OHA’s Cyanobacteria Harmful Algae Bloom website at http://www.healthoregon.org/hab. When recreating, people – and especially small children and pets – should be kept away from areas where the water is foamy, scummy, thick like paint, pea-green or blue-green, or if they notice thick brownish-red mats or bright green clumps suspended in the water. People who see these signs should avoid activities that cause them to swallow water or inhale droplets, such as swimming or high-speed water activities, and keep pets out of the area. Cyanotoxins can still exist in clear water. When a bloom dies, toxins released may reach into clear water around the bloom. Blooms can be pushed into other areas, leaving behind the toxins released. There also are species of cyanobacteria that anchor themselves at the bottom of a water body, live in the sediment, or can grow on aquatic plants and release toxins into clear water. For health information or to report an illness, contact OHA at 971-673-0482.