Coos Bay School District 9 will begin student registrations for the upcoming 2023-24 school year Aug. 22 (12p-6p) at Madison/Eastside/Millicoma schools; Aug. 23 (9a-2p); and, 8/24 (9a-2p). Sunset registration is: 8/23 (8a-3p); and 8/24 (8a-3p). Marshfield Jr. High: 8/23 (8th 9a-1:30p); and 8/24 (7th 9a-1:30p) MJHS registration times assigned by last name. Marshfield HS: 8/23 (Fr 8-11a, Sr 12p-3p); and, 8/24 (Soph 8-11a; and, Jr 12p-3p). More information at the school’s and district’s websites.