Reopening Oregon, May 15

Several Oregon counties will enter phase one of Gov. Kate Brown’s reopening plan Friday, May 15. Brown released the official list of counties allowed to begin reopening during a news conference Thursday morning. Both Coos & Curry counties have been approved for Phase 1. The approved counties will need to remain in the first phase for three weeks before they can continue with the next step of the reopening process. The governor also said some communities might need to go back into a “stay-at-home” order if there is a spike in cases that can’t be contained through contact tracing and quarantine. Gov. Brown asked people living in metro areas not included in the first phase to stay home for essential tasks, and to “be thoughtful of their fellow Oregonians and stay home, limiting travel to essential need.” She said that under a new executive order, expected to be released soon, people can travel to certain parts of the state for recreational activities. “Reopening is a team sport, it’s not going to work if some people follow the rules and others don’t, whether it is traveling to tourist destinations or to other counties to get services,” added Dr. Pat Allen with the Oregon Health Authority. So far, 33 of Oregon’s 36 counties have applied to begin reopening Friday, May 15. In order to begin the process, counties and health regions must prove they are meeting requirements in the following: Declining COVID-19 prevalence; Minimum testing regimen; Contact tracing system; Isolation/quarantine facilities; Finalized statewide sector guidelines; Sufficient healthcare capacity; Sufficient PPE supply. Phase 1: The first reopening stage, by county – Counties that are approved to enter Phase 1 may reopen the following areas, while following the health and safety guidelines. The following are the main guidelines. More detailed guidelines exist on the Oregon Health Website. Restaurants and bars must: Ensure tables are spaced at least six (6) feet apart so that at least six (6) feet between parties is maintained, including when customers approach or leave tables; Require all employees to wear cloth face or disposable coverings (provided by the employer); End all on-site consumption of food and drinks by 10pm. Personal care services (salons, barber shops, massage, etc.) must: Make appointments with pre-appointment health check; Maintain a customer log; Maintain Six feet physical distancing between clients; Remove all magazines, newspapers, snacks and beverages from waiting areas; Require face coverings by employees and clients (depending on the services provided). Gyms/ fitness must: Limit maximum number of customers accordingly; Enforce physical distancing & sanitation. Local gatherings must: Limit local gatherings to 25 with no traveling.