City of Coos Bay release – The city applied for and received a grant from the Judith A. Mogan Foundation for a “Rewilding Project” in the southern section Mingus Park. The project is comprised of several components. The first project component proposes to relocate the kiddie playground area near the older kids’ playground around the corner making it more centrally located for park patrons. The playground equipment will be upgraded as well. Once the kiddie playground is relocated the area will be regraded and have drainage installed to alleviate the historic flooding this area has experienced. The project will also include native and natural plantings (rewilding) and installing new walking paths and educational signage. The City is partnering with the Coos Watershed Association on the native plantings and educational signage. Another component of this project will include the repurposing of the picnic pavilion into a Storage area for city parks. The picnic pavilion is past its useful life and is no longer being utilized for its original intent. All of this work will be managed by the City’s Operations and Water Quality Divisions and commence in June. This area will be closed to the public during this time. Please take caution when in the area and watch for equipment and workers. The project is expected to take place over the next several weeks. The City wants to thank the Judith A. Mogan Foundation for this incredible grant and opportunity to improve one of the city’s most popular park. If you have any questions, or want more information, please contact the Public Works office at (541)-269-8918.