Former Chief Information Officer Susie Strangfield is out of a job and likely to sue the Oregon Department of Education. And her ouster raises questions about the agency’s process for disciplining staff.

Strangfield’s case began in early January when she was suspended for “inappropriate workplace conduct.”

“I was in meetings one day and then fell off the face of the planet,” Strangfield said.

Related: ODE Chief Information Officer Resigns After Months On Forced Leave

She sat by her home computer for weeks, forbidden from contacting anyone but her supervisor or human resources.

In a field dominated by men, Strangfield was the education agency’s first female CIO. For much of last winter and spring, she worked from home as the department investigated her.

“It was two weeks, nothing. Another two weeks, still nothing,” Strangfield recalled. “This went on for nearly four months. So clearly when we did get to the interview, they were digging for anything they could.”




Roland Iparraguirre