Rural Libraries and Walking Study, March 9

Residents of Coos Bay are invited to participate in a new study about community walking programs. A partnership between Coos Bay Public Library and the School of Nursing at Oregon Health and Science University aims to improve the health of rural Oregonians and learn more what makes a community walking program effective for rural communities.  The walking programs will be led by a librarian at Coos Bay Public Library and meet at or near the library. Participants will meet once a week as a group and walk together for 20-40 minutes. Participants are invited to participate for two years. Each participant will receive a Fitbit and a T-shirt. Participants will also be invited to complete surveys and health assessments. The walking groups are expected to begin this spring. Community walking programs are a great way to meet people and socialize while walking.  Twenty libraries across Oregon have been randomly assigned to implement one of two kinds of walking programs: walking only, Step It Up, or walking plus civic engagement, Change Club Step It Up. The civic engagement program teaches individuals how to make walking easier in their communities. Researchers want to learn which parts of these two programs are the most important when it comes to changing physical activity and engaging with the local community.  Residents are eligible if they are 18 years old or older and currently exercise less than 3 days a week. Interested individuals can contact Paul at the Coos Bay Public Library by calling (541) 269-1101 x222 or sending a message to