Safety Belt Enforcement Campaign, Feb. 10

Officers from the Coos Bay Police Department will join law enforcement agencies throughout Oregon in a Safety Belt Enforcement Campaign from February 8th to 21st. This is the first of three scheduled safety belt and traffic safety campaigns for 2016. The focus of the program is to increase public awareness of the seatbelt laws with the goal of reducing traffic injuries and deaths. Members from the Coos Bay Police Department will take to the road during this campaign to focus their attention on seatbelt violations and child safety seatbelt violations, but will also be watching for drivers who are speeding, texting, and driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. Oregon law requires that there be “proper use” of the entire seatbelt system; lap belt placed low across the hips and a shoulder belt over the collarbone and crossing the center of the chest. Belts should be free of slack and lying flat with no twists or knots. If necessary, slide the attachment on the door post up or down to fit the size of you or your passenger. Shoulder belts should not be placed under the arm or behind the back as this can cause serious internal injuries or ejection in the event of a crash.