OR Dept. of Forestry release – Toledo, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) West Oregon District is responding this evening to the Sams Creek Fire off Sams Creek Road and Hwy 20, about 5 miles northeast of Toledo. The fire was detected this afternoon and is approximately 5-7 acres in steep terrain. The cause and origin of the fire is currently under investigation. Level 1 evacuations are in place. Please follow orders from the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office at www.co.lincoln.or.us/740/active-wildfires—Lincoln-county. Crews are working hard to get the fire completely lined and plumbed with hose overnight. The district and its partners are responding aggressively to keep the footprint as small as possible. Resources on-scene include multiple hand crews and engines from the ODF West Oregon District, a type 2 helicopter, and multiple engines and tenders from local fire departments and neighboring industrial forest landowners. Once lined and plumbed, the district will remain in the area for the next several days doing mop-up operations and making sure the fire doesn’t re-emerge due to weather conditions. Warm and dry conditions make the landscape more at risk for wildfire, which is why public participation in wildfire prevention is so important. Oregonians should check their local fire restrictions before lighting any fireworks, operating an engine-operated machine, or starting a campfire. The public is encouraged to avoid the area due to public and firefighter safety. There will be increased fire traffic in the area into the morning. Check public and industry fire restrictions at www.oregon.gov/odf/fire/pages/restrictions.aspx. For wildfire prevention tips, visit www.keeporegongreen.org. To sign up for local emergency notifications, visit oralert.gov.