The City of Coos Bay has contracted with Pacific Excavation to upgrade the pump station located at 400 Kruse Avenue. In order to perform upgrades to a pump station the sanitary sewer that normally is conveyed to the pump station must be bypassed around the pump station. The bypass pumping was set up at the intersection of Kruse Avenue and S. 7th Street. Wednesday morning, the contractor’s bypass pumping hose connection had failed and was discharging sanitary sewer onto the street and ultimately to the storm drain system which discharges to the bay. The contractor fixed the connection and the spill stopped but the contractor reported to the City that approximately 118 gallons was spilled. Because the sewer was released at a location that was not permitted, the Department of Environmental Quality requires this event to be classified as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) and the Oregon Emergency Response System to be notified. Any questions can be directed to the City of Coos Bay Public Works Department at 541-269-8918.