The City is replacing a storm drain along Birch Street between Front Avenue and the northbound Highway 101.  The proposed storm drain has several utility crossings that need to be protected in place during construction.  Yesterday afternoon (Tuesday, September 25, 2018), the pressure sewer line that transmits biosolids to the storage lagoon in Eastside was exposed and a leak was discovered. Unfortunately, about one gallon of biosolids spilled in the storm drain trench.  No biosolids reached the Bay, and it was cleaned up. What is Biosolids?  Sludge is the byproduct of wastewater treatment.  Sludge is treated to a point such that the disease-causing organisms, that are found in wastewater, are no longer a risk.  Once sludge is fully treated to this point, it is classified as biosolids and safe for disposal and commonly used in the agricultural industry as fertilizer.  Coos Bay has over 20 years of experience with land applying biosolids as fertilizer to local farms. Because the biosolids were released at a location that was not permitted, the Department of Environmental Quality recommended that we classify this as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO), and the Oregon Emergency Response System was notified.  The contractor for the storm drain replacement project is currently repairing the pressure line, and it is anticipated to be back on line today.  Any questions can be directed to the City of Coos Bay Public Works Department at (541) 269-8918.