SALEM, Ore. – The Oregon Department of Veterans’ Affairs (ODVA) is excited to announce the Oregon Women Veterans Conference will return as an in-person event in 2023, celebrating 25 years of recognizing women veterans of all eras of military service from every corner of the state. The theme of next year’s conference is “Stronger Together: Voices of Service.” The free, two-day conference will take place May 20 and 21, 2023, at the Salem Convention Center. Hosted by ODVA since 1998, this biennial event has celebrated the contributions, diversity and strength of Oregon’s women veteran community, and is the largest gathering of women veterans from every era of service in the state. Women veterans make up one of the fastest-growing segments of the Oregon veteran community, with more than 25,000 women veterans living in the state today, representing one-tenth of the overall veteran population. The conference will include inspirational speakers, informative seminars and breakout sessions, as well as opportunities to network with other Oregon women veterans and receive assistance in accessing earned benefits and other resources. Conference registration for women veteran attendees is free. Those interested in attending are encouraged to save the date and subscribe to email updates from ODVA to receive conference information as it becomes available: More information about conference reservation and lodging will be announced online in early 2023 at