OPRD release – SALEM, Ore—The Scenic Bikeways Committee will meet Feb. 8 to discuss membership updates, rulemaking updates and route updates in a virtual meeting from 1 to 4 p.m. The meeting is open to the public. The agenda and link for the meeting is posted on the Scenic Bikeways website at https://www.oregon.gov/oprd/BWT/Documents/BW-Committee-Agenda-Feb-2023.pdf. The Scenic Bikeways program was established in 2009 by Cycle Oregon, the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, Travel Oregon and the Oregon Department of Transportation. It now includes 17 of the state’s best designated mostly-roadway bicycle routes that showcase Oregon’s breathtaking landscapes, cultural treasures and western hospitality. The program is currently managed under a partnership agreement between Cycle Oregon and the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The Scenic Bikeways committee is an advisory group for the management and designation of routes nominated by the public for state scenic bikeways designation. Its members include citizen representatives, tourism organization, local governments and state agencies involved in bicycle recreation or transportation. For more information, contact program manager Clint Culpepper at 971-235-5994 or clint@cycleoregon.com.