Moon Rocks are coming to Coos Bay. On Tuesday, Feb. 11, 6-8 p.m., Sunset Middle School will host Science Space Night which will feature Moon Rocks and Meteorites. All ages are welcome to attend the event which will also include an opportunity to learn more about our solar system. Fun educational activities and free Moon Pies will be offered. According to a news release, Lunar samples were returned to Earth during the 1969–1972 Apollo missions. • Meteorites were obtained as a result of the Antarctic Search for Meteorites Program, which began in 1977. Science Space Night is sponsored by the Coos Bay School District Talented and Gifted Program and the Oregon Education Association. For more information, you can contact one of the following Community Science Night committee members: Peggy Thornton, 541-267-1393,; Beverly Scott, 541-991-8291,; Lynda Sanders, (Coordinator); Other committee members include: Helen Farr, Denese Hale, Teri Jones, Sonja McMackin, and Shirley Tremel.