Washington, D.C. — Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan attended the White House Easter Egg Roll Monday. The Secretary traveled with her two young children. The White House extended invitations to the event through the National Lieutenant Governors Association, which includes Secretaries of State where a single official serves a dual role. The Secretary and her family met Vice President Kamala Harris, saw the easter bunny, and are looking forward to President Joe Biden’s trip to Oregon later this week. “It was special to receive this invitation from the White House, not in spite of being a mother to two young kids, but because I am,” said Secretary Fagan. “My kids get extra helpings of civic education at home, from extracurricular reading to attending meetings at the State Capitol, and I was delighted to bring them to the White House. My son was thrilled to see President Joe Biden and meet Vice President Kamala Harris, and my young daughter was equally excited to meet the Easter Bunny.