Seeking Photos of Oregon Agriculture, Aug. 3

Through Sept. 15, Oregon Farm Bureau invites the public to submit their best photos of Oregon agriculture for possible inclusion in the 2017 Oregon’s Bounty calendar. The award-winning calendar celebrates all aspects of Oregon agriculture: the products, the people, the crops, the cultivation, the landscape, anything that depicts the beauty, culture, enjoyment, technology, or tradition of family farming and ranching. Horizontal-format, high-resolution (at least 300 dpi) images — both close-ups and panoramic shots — are needed of all types of agriculture in all seasons. Subject ideas include rural scenery; portraits of farmers and ranchers; farmers and ranchers at work; planting or harvest shots; scenes from farm stands, on-farm events, farmers markets, or county fairs; and close-ups of fruits, vegetables, flowers, crops in the field, or farm animals. The deadline for entries is Sept. 15, 2016, and there is no limit to the number of photos that can be submitted. Photographers can email their digital photo(s) to, upload them to OFB’s dropbox at, or mail a CD or prints to Anne Marie Moss, Oregon Farm Bureau, 1320 Capitol St. NE, Suite 200, Salem, OR 97301. Detailed photo specifications and contest rules are available at