CCSO release – Date / Time: February 9th, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.; Case Number(s): S23-03140; Classification: False Information to a Peace Officer ; Location: McKay’s Market, 200 S 8th St Lakeside, Oregon ; Suspect(s): Rodgers, Brian W (47) / Cossette, Mark C (48). Information to be released: On February 9th, 2023 at 09:53 a.m. an employee from McKay’s Market in Lakeside called the Coos County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center to report two shoplifters currently in the store. Deputies Freerksen and Davis were already in the Lakeside area on general patrol of the area, and immediately responded to McKay’s. Deputy Davis contacted the two suspects inside McKay’s Market prior to them leaving the store. Through an investigation, Deputy Davis found that both the suspects had hidden numerous items, stolen from the store, in their clothing. The stolen goods were subsequently returned to McKay’s Market personnel. One of the suspects was identified as Mark Cossette (48) years of age, from Lakeside. The other suspect provided deputies with a fictious name and date of birth. With the assistance of dispatch, deputies were ultimately able to identify the second suspect as Brian Rodgers (47) years of age, also from Lakeside. A record check revealed Brian had two outstanding warrants for his arrest. Brian Rodgers was taken into custody for providing false information to a Police Officer and the outstanding warrants. After all items were returned, McKay’s Market staff requested Brian Rodgers and Mark Cossette be trespassed from the store and surrounding property.