Skyline Ridge Complex Fire, Aug. 13

ODF Report Aug. 12, 12:41 p.m. – CANYONVILLE, Ore.—A new control line has been built from the east ridge flanking the Poole Creek Fire, tying it to Stouts Creek Road. The new line corrals a large spot fire that firefighters battled earlier in the week. It connects to the main northern control line. The goal is to keep the fire boxed in between the two main ridges, with active suppression of any new fire starts beyond control lines. Crews mopped up after Wednesday night’s planned burn-out operations. They also mopped up a quarter-acre spot fire on the fire’s east flank. Overall containment on the Complex remains at 23 percent. Acreage increases on the Complex come from growth on the Poole Creek Fire, now at 3,640 acres. The number of personnel has reached 1,280. Thick smoke Wednesday grounded most air operations, but moderated temperatures and fire behavior. Smoke did linger Thursday. There is a Red Flag Warning for hot, dry and unstable conditions but winds will be light. Structural firefighters with the Oregon Office of the State Fire Marshal completed an initial assessment of properties along Ferguson Lane near the northern control line for Poole Creek. They will be present as a precaution while the fire backs down two drainages toward an established fire line on the fire’s north side. Three reportable injuries on the fire occurred Wednesday when a night shift crew returning from the line drove off Tiller Trail Highway. The firefighters suffered minor injuries.