Small Arts Organizations Receive Grants, Feb. 10

Small grants that often make a large difference in ensuring arts access for Oregonians, especially in rural areas, have been awarded to 101 statewide arts organizations by the Oregon Arts Commission for FY2020. Awarded to arts organizations in virtually every region of the state, Small Operating Grants are designed to provide operating support to arts organizations with budgets under $150,000. Eligibility is limited to organizations who have operated as an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit for two years or more and provide ongoing, sustained artistic programming and outreach programs. Each organization received $1,494.For the volunteer Inland Northwest Musicians, who travel Northeast Oregon presenting orchestral concerts, that $1,494 literally puts gas in the tank. At the Coquille Valley Arts Association, a FY2019 Small Operating Grant award transformed a barren art room into a bustling creative center where community members produce pottery to benefit the local food bank. “This grant program was developed to increase the Arts Commission’s support of Oregon’s small arts providers,” said Arts Commission Chair Anne Taylor. “These organizations frequently represent the only arts presenter for remote and underserved regions of the state.” For more information about the grant program, contact Kat Bell at (503) 986-0082 or via email at FY2020 Small Operating Grants were awarded to: Coquille Valley Art Association, Coquille; Bandon Showcase, Inc., Bandon;