OR Dept. of Forestry release – Salem, Ore.—The Oregon Department of Forestry is soliciting applications to join the Smoke Management Advisory Committee. The committee is currently seeking applications to fill one vacancy to represent the public. Created in 1989, the Smoke Management Advisory Committee (SMAC) provides advice and assistance to the Oregon Department of Forestry Smoke Management Program. The membership of the committee consists of an industrial forestland owner representative, a non-industrial forestland owner representative, a public representative, a Forest Service representative, and a Bureau of Land Management representative. Each representative serves for two-year terms that are renewable after the two-year period. “This is an opportunity for the public to get involved and make sure that their voice and concerns are heard when it comes to prescribed fire smoke management in Oregon.” Said Stacy McCarter, Mitigation Program Manager. Committee members gather for public meetings in Salem twice a year to discuss and provide advice to the Smoke Management Program regarding current prescribed burning and smoke intrusion trends, program fund balance, implementation plan items, and other current issues and projects of the program. To apply, complete an online questionnaire at https://www.oregon.gov/odf/board/Documents/smac/smac-public-nomination-form-2024.pdf and submit to Stacy McCarter at ODF by email stacy.mccarter@odf.oregon.gov by May 1, 2024. For specific questions about the committee, please contact Stacy McCarter at 503-701-0236 or stacy.mccarter@odf.oregon.gov. Additional SMAC background information can be found at https://www.oregon.gov/odf/board/Pages/smac.aspx.