Snack Pack Garage Sale Coos Bay Elks Lodge #1160, July 25

The Coos Bay Elks Lodge will be holding our 5th Annual Garage Sale for Snack Pack on July 25th and 26th from 8 AM to 4 PM at 265 Central Avenue, Coos Bay Oregon.  We have lots of items and would like more.  If you have items to donate for the sale, please drop them off at the Lodge after 4:30 PM Tuesday thru Friday or call 541 266-8300 or 541 290-2060 and we will pick them up.  Coos Bay Elks have received six- $10,000 grants from Elks National Foundation to support the Share Bear Snack Pack project.  Our project school is Madison Elementary.  In addition, the Lodge has held fund raisers and received donations of over $18,000 to continue their support of local youth.  Elk volunteers have helped Oregon Coast Community Action (ORCCA) prepare the Weekend Snack Packs for 12 sites located on the south coast from Reedsport to Brookings.  All proceeds from the garage sale support this project.