Coos Co. Airport District release – (North Bend, OR) – The Coos County Airport District (CCAD) is currently taking applications from interested persons in Coos County who would like to volunteer to serve on the District’s Budget Committee. The five CCAD Commissioners and five appointed Coos County residents make up the budget committee. Terms are for three years. The district’s fiscal year starts on July 1 and ends on June 30. Budget preparation usually occurs over the five months prior to the July 1 start of the new fiscal year. Generally, the Budget Committee meets one to three times in May to hear the budget presentation, study the proposed budget, and consider changes. Committee applications are due by 5:00 pm on February 15, 2024. The application is available online at, or pick up a copy at the airport business office inside the Southwest Oregon Regional Airport terminal. Submit your application with a letter of interest by email to Airport Office Manager Amos Vorster, at You can also mail the application with a letter of interest to Coos County Airport District, 1100 Airport Lane, North Bend, OR 97459. If you have questions, call the Airport Administration Office at (541) 756-8531.