Kentucky Falls Hike–Saturday, July 23 2022 – The Main Hike: This hike is to Kentucky Falls and back. Kentucky Falls area offers views of 3 waterfalls two of which drop over 100 feet. The hike is 2.5 miles down to the falls through old growth Douglas Fir and Hemlock. We’ll view the falls and then hike 2.5 miles back on a switchback trail. It is rated moderate to difficult. The difficulty is based on the elevation gain, but you can control the difficulty with lots of rests. Plan on 3.5 hours to complete the hike with plenty of time to relax, eat lunch, enjoy the falls and then walk back up the switch back trail at your leisure. This is a beautiful hike through old growth forest. Even without the falls it would be a great hike. Pack a lunch to enjoy either during or after the hike. The drive to and from the trailhead is a long, slow drive. (gravel roads). We will be caravaning from the Dunes Information Center in Reedsport, but to get an idea of the route, check out the directions at the trailhead site. Optional Additional Hike: After we complete the Kentucky Falls hike, some hikers may wish to stop at the North Fork Smith River Trailhead and hike along along the river (out and back). From last reports, the trail may be overgrown with downed trees. That’s one reason why we aren’t offering the traditional through hike from Kentucky Falls to this trailhead. The other reason is that the necessary shuttle adds a lot of travel time. By going out and back from the trailhead, hikers who want to do this additional hike can go as far as they want, and turn around. Location and Time: We will leave the Dune Information Center parking lot in Reedsport at 8:30 AM. Please arrive ten to fifteen minutes before that to sign in and coordinate cars. Directions – From Coos Bay Visitor Center in downtown Coos Bay travel 26.6 miles N on Hwy 101. Visitor center is on left directly opposite the turnoff for Hwy 38. We will leave from the Dune Information Center at 8:30 and reach the Kentucky Falls trail head around 10:00. Some gravel roads and pot holes are on our route so we will go easy.