South Coast Striders Hike, Oct. 20

To the Bogs and Back–Bandon–October 23 – To help us plan the hike, please register. Visit the Bogs…and More.  Join The South Coast Striders and the Bandon History Museum for an in-town hike on the wilder side of Bandon. Follow sidewalks, quiet streets and pathways on a 2.5-mile loop that leads from the Bandon History Museum to a good vantage point to see some cranberry bogs during harvest season. Museum volunteer Jim Proehl will share some “History Minutes” along the way. Expect a sojourn in a cemetery as part of this October hike. Extend the walk by picking up one of several “Healthy, Historic Hike” maps at the museum and following another route through historic Bandon. Scroll down to find out about another Bandon event that you might be interested in attending. Park in the museum parking lot and if that fills up, park in the public lot at Face Rock Creamery or on adjacent streets. See a map and a brochure about the hike. We will meet at 10:00 in Public Parking lot of the Bandon Historical Society Museum. If the lot is full you can find additional parking behind the Face Rock Creamery Map Link to Museum and additional parking area. Directions – The museum is on the corner of Highway 101 and Fillmore Ave. While not required, to help us plan the hike, please register on our website. There’s More! The Bandon Public Library is having a special program that just happens to fall on the day of our hike. William Sullivan is the author of many Northwest Hiking Guides. He will be conducting a slide show about some special historical events. You might want to stop in one of Bandon’s eateries after the hike and the go on to the presentation in the Sprague Theater, which is next to the library, near the city park on 11th Street.