South Coast Striders Seeking Hike Leaders, March 18

South Coast Striders release – From Tom Orsi: There are two things that are preventing group hikes from re-starting. The first is the large number of COVID-19 cases in Coos County, which makes it risky to hang out in large groups. That will end soon, so if that was the only problem, hikes would resume. Unfortunately, the second problem doesn’t seem to be going away. We need people to lead hikes, and the last time I asked for volunteers, only one person came forward. We need several people who are ready to lead. One person can’t lead every hike, and the one person who HAS been leading the hikes needs to step back and either enjoy the hikes from the back, or have the flexibility to do something else on hike days. I have all the resources to schedule and plan hikes, but I need human resources to lead. Please email me at about your willingness to lead, and note which hikes you might want to lead. Include your phone number. Once I have a few people willing to do this, I’ll schedule a Zoom meeting so that we can agree on a schedule.