The Oregon Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife have announced the reopening of recreational bay crabbing from Heceta Head, north of Florence on the Oregon Coast, to the California border. This includes crab harvested in bays and estuaries, and off docks, piers, jetties, and the ocean. Shellfish samples taken from the area indicate levels of the marine toxin domoic acid have dropped and remain below the alert level. With the reopening, recreational harvesting of crab is open along the entire Oregon Coast. A decision on opening the commercial season for ocean crab harvesting along the Oregon Coast will be determined by ODFW in coordination with the Oregon commercial crab industry and the Washington and California Departments of Fish and Wildlife. ODA and ODFW will continue monitoring marine toxins in crab and shellfish to ensure that the concentrations remain below the alert level. Despite the recent closure, crab and shellfish products sold in retail markets and restaurants are safe for consumers. It is recommended that crab always be eviscerated prior to cooking, which includes removal and discard of the internal organs and gills. For more information, call ODA’s shellfish safety information hotline at (800) 448-2474 or visit the ODA shellfish closures web page at: