Charleston, OR- For safety reasons the Wasson Creek/Theodore Johnson watershed will be closed during restoration activities. The South Slough Reserve is restoring the Wasson Creek Watershed to improve habitat for Coho salmon and many other species and will be creating universal access trails. For safety reasons the Wasson Creek/Theodore Johnson watershed will be closed during restoration activities Closure dates: July 1-2 and July 25-August 25. The South Trail System, including the parking area and road from Hinch road, will be closed during the above dates. Hinch Road and associated watercraft launch will remain open and accessible. All forest activities (e.g., hunting, and mushroom picking) along Hinch road and south to Wasson Creek will not be allowed during closure dates. Updates on closure will be made available through our website. The Oregon Department of State Lands enacted the closure as a public safety measure due to hazards from restoration activities and use of heavy equipment in some areas. South Slough Visitor Center trails remain open daily from dawn – dusk. For status updates, visit 541-888-5558 regarding South Slough Reserve.