Southwestern Conducts Emergency Response Drill, May 8

Southwestern Oregon Community College’s Emergency Management Team will be conducting a campus wide semi-annual emergency response drill. This drill will simulate a violent intruder or active shooter event. The response drill will take place on Thursday, May 11, 2017 at 9 am and will last approximately 20 minutes. None of the drill activities will affect the general public. Southwestern’s campus security officers and several staff have received ALICE training. ALICE (Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate) training provides participants with a set of proactive, non-sequential and option-based strategies, that increase the chances of survival during a violent intruder or active shooter event. For 14 years, the ALICE Training Institute has provided violent intruder response training to individuals and organizations across the nation. Beginning spring term, specific ALICE training for campus staff has been developed which supports response to incidents such as an active shooter situation on campus. This ongoing training will be available for all students and staff. If persons have questions or concerns they can contact Jeff Whitey, Southwestern’s Interim Vice President of Administrative Services at 541-888-7206.