SWOCC release – Coos Bay, OR – Southwestern Oregon Community College is pleased to honor Koontz Machine and Welding with the 2024 Career Technical Education (CTE) Industry Partner of the Year Award. Southwestern recognizes our CTE partner, Koontz Machine and Welding, whose steadfast support of our programs has been integral to our students these past nine(+) years. “We have been fortunate to have Koontz Machine and Welding as a partner on our advisory committee, giving us feedback and helping us keep our curriculum aligned with the welding industry. Koontz not only collaborates with SWOCC but they have employed several students over the years. We hope to continue working with Koontz to help educate and employ future generations of welders and ironworkers. Thank you for your support,” said Chelsea Clemens, Associate Professor of Welding and Manufacturing at Southwestern. Koontz Machine and Welding is an Oregon based company that was established in 1906 and has been in the same location since then. Koontz was founded by John Koontz and has seen numerous changes over the years. It was always a machine shop, but other ventures have also come and gone: an automotive garage, Packard dealership, gas and diesel station (sold to boats on the bay) and a tire shop. Koontz also manufactured and patented the Koontz hydraulic press. Bruce Thompson bought Koontz Machine and Welding in 2007, after being foreman and employed by Koontz for over twenty years. Koontz Machine and Welding serves on our Welding/Manufacturing advisory committee, and they provide internship and employment opportunities for our students. It is with great pleasure that we present them with our CTE Partner of the Year Award. To learn more about Southwestern’s career technical training programs visit www.socc.edu, or call 541-888-7405 to make an appointment with an advisor. You can learn more about Koontz Machine and Welding at their website: http://www.koontzmachine.com/.