Southwestern Oregon Community College Head Volleyball Coach, Steve George, has formed a junior girls’ volleyball club for the south coast: Southwestern Volleyball Academy (SWOVA). SWOVA will put together several teams ranging from 10 to18 year olds. Tryouts are Sunday, November 1, 2015 for the 10 to 14 year old teams; and Sunday, November 22, 2015 for the 15 to 18 year old teams. We encourage all young players to try out for the teams. Practices will be held at the Coos campus of Southwestern Oregon Community College, 1988 Newmark Ave., Coos Bay. The season will run from December through May. The goal is to promote youth volleyball and provide training and more experience to develop players at an early age. Coaching assistance will be provided by current Southwestern volleyball players. This is a great opportunity for our student-athletes to give back to the community, and just as important, they will learn more about the game from a different perspective. More information can be found on the club’s new web site: SWOVA.CLUB, or contact Head Volleyball Coach, Steve George at (202) 549-3022.