Southwestern Students to be Honored by Governor Brown, April 9

On April 30, 2015 Governor Brown will honor an audience of students selected by their community colleges for the 2015 All Oregon Academic Team. Two Southwestern Oregon Community College students have been selected to the 2015 Team – Ningxin “Teddy” Shen and Robby Dilg. The honored recipients will attend the event in Salem with President Dr. Patty Scott where they will be recognized for their achievements. “Students are chosen on the basis of service, leadership and academic achievement and the designation helps our students to become eligible for additional scholarships” says Dr. Scott. Dilg’s hometown is Willard, Utah. Studying Physical Therapy, he is the point guard on the men’s basketball team and a Student Ambassador. As if he wasn’t busy enough, he is also a member of Phi Theta Kappa honor society and a German tutor. Upon completion of his associate’s degree this spring, Dilg plans to continue his education and someday open his own business helping others reach their goals both physically and mentally. He’s been on the Honor Roll and plans to transfer to Weber State University. From Shanghai, China, Shen studies Business and is very involved on campus. He is an Associated Student Government Senator, Student Housing Resident Assistant, HD110 Teaching Assistant, Math tutor, and StORytime volunteer. Treasurer of Phi Theta Kappa, he was a SWOCC Scholar last year, has been on the Honor Roll numerous times, received Academic Excellence recognition, and was the recipient of the Yellow Taxi Scholarship. In June, Shen will complete his associate’s degree and plans to continue his education studying sports management at the University of Oregon in pursuit of his dream job at Nike! Twenty-two Southwestern students are members of Phi Theta Kappa, an honor society that values scholastic achievement, leadership and community service. To learn more about eligibility for Phi Theta Kappa contact Michelle Benoit, Director of Student Support Services,