Speed Dating at CBPL, Jan. 23

Coos Bay Public Library will be holding a series of SPEED DATING EVENTS through January and February. Single ladies and gentleman are invited to come try out Speed Dating at the Coos Bay Public Library, where snacks and music will be provided. Speed dating will be divided into different age brackets on different dates: ages 20-40 January 23rd, ages 30-60 February 6th, and ages 50+ February 27th. Participants will be given a chart in which they mark which people they are interested in, and at the end of the event give their charts to the hosting librarians. The librarians will then facilitate giving out contact information to the people who made a match. Events will take place in the Myrtlewood Room at 5:00-7:00pm on the aforementioned days. Registration and valid photo ID are required for this event. Those who are interested can sign up on Coos Bay Public Library’s event page, or contact the library to register.