Star of Hope Employee & Volunteer Recognition Dinner, June 19

Star of Hope a non-profit organization in Coos Bay providing services and supports to adults with developmental disabilities in Coos County has recently held its annual Employee Recognition Dinner, at the Mill Casino in the Salmon Room. Employees with one year of service; Duane Reed, Allen Thegg, Alisha Wilson, Gary Winters, Bruce Ohlrich, Lucy Bearnson, James Boring, David Cowan, Heather English, Aaron Erskine, Megan Grenier, William Hitner and Stacy Brelage. Employees with up to five years of service are; Mark Anderson, Karen Carlevaro, and Devon Gibson. Employee with 10 years of service was Rose Pedro, and an employee with 20 years of service Lisa Montez. Anthony Meyers was recognized for his 40 years of service to Oregon Connection/House of Myrtlewood, a subsidiary of Star of Hope. Star of Hope employees selected a peer who stood out during the year in their respective departments; Tony Kellner – Cammann Group Home, Chad Horton – Virginia Group Home, Stacy Irvin – Compass Group Home, Jeff Montez – Cedar Group Home, Tara Taylor – Marple Group Home, Rachel Harris – Ash Group Home. Matthew Mustin working in Community Supports, Rose Pedro – Employment Services, Dawn Beckett – Community Day Services and Aaron Erskine – Monroe Group Home. Star of Hope recognized David Pope and Susan Harada with a Community Partnership Award. These two individuals saved SOH thousands of dollars by helping to upgrade computers agency wide. They helped to trouble shoot and fixed the laser engraver used at the Oregon Connection. Volunteer of the Year was awarded to Pamela de Jong a longtime community advocate and former employee of Star of Hope. Pamela is a remarkable person who is active in the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce, Zonta Club and is currently employed by Edward D. Jones & Co., L.P. SOH Board Member of the Year was awarded to Dr. Dan Myers. Dan has served on the Board since 2002. He recently retired from the SOH Board to spend more time with family. Ryan Chargualaf was the recipient of the Star of Hope Employee of the year award. He was an overwhelming favorite of most SOH employees. All departments rely on Ryan for a myriad of reasons including tech support, and class room training. LouAnn Dewater and Lisa Montez were recognized for their exemplary service and dedication to SOH Mission and to the clients we support. These two ladies are ambassadors to the community and they are recognized across Oregon as stalwarts of advocacy for adults with developmental disabilities.